
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

Ordercoro App

CORO is an innovative solution for anyone who wants to have tea, coffee & instant bites/meals from nearby merchants. Through CORO App anyone can access a list of items provided by nearby merchants who have partnered with CORO and can easily place an order with 3 simple steps.

Justnews App

"Just New" is my holistic creation, a news reading app where I conceptualized, designed, and developed the entire project. As the developer and UI/UX designer, I employed GetX and the MVC pattern on Flutter for a seamless and elegant user experience, showcasing my commitment to cutting-edge solutions in news consumption.

OnWheels App

onWheels is a comprehensive bike servicing app I meticulously developed with Flutter. I led UI/UX design through brainstorming sessions, ensuring an appealing and intuitive user experience.

Arcade Lighting

Arcade Lighting

Arcade Lighting is a leading manufacturer of lighting fixtures and systems for the architectural and entertainment lighting market.



CORO is an innovative solution for anyone who wants to have tea, coffee & instant bites/meals from nearby merchants. Through CORO App anyone can access a list of items provided by nearby merchants who have partnered with CORO and can easily place an order with 3 simple steps.

Scrawler Labs

Scrawler Labs

Mission of Scarawler Framework : To create a low code and high speed framework for php, our effors is to build a async and high speed framework based on open swoole to complete this effort we have started with creating swoole compatible and async components.



A podcast that features Venture Capitalists (VC) and Entrepreneurs making an impact in the startup ecosystem

Metro App

Metro App is my attempt in home automation, a Flutter-based dynamic solution born from IoT expertise. As the developer, I conceptualized the UI/UX, ensuring an intuitive design that seamlessly merges innovation with user needs.